With the world constricting around you through the likes of the internet and the telecommunication industry people are having far greater touch on a daily basis with the marketing fraternity of different online products and offline ones at the same time through the social media marketing that we see every day. How Social Media Marketing Evolution showed us – The growing pace of social media and its impact has evolved in such a way that it is continuously shifting, leaving marketers constantly challenged, and most businesses overwhelmed with the never-ending changes.
This is a good thing according to many and not so good to some but in the end all will accept that it is in fact more effective than anything else. We have a come a long way from letters all the way down to the emails of today and with that we have also advanced from the leaflets and banners of to the online virtual banners of today on social media sites.
What has changed?
As we just said there used to be a time when the only form of fast dispersal of product knowledge was based on the mail and through banners and hoardings along with leaflets but that is gone now as a necessity. Now everyone has a connection to the internet and hence everyone can see the advertisements on these social media sites.
One of the best examples has to be Facebook to which almost everyone is acquainted to. This site has taken the internet by storm and hence as the number of users increases so does the amount of marketing that you can do.
Facebook is only one example but if you look at all the internet social media sites you will see that almost every company both small and big have tapped into the social media marketing blitz. This is a new form of income to many who will get paid for the advertisements that they provide on their own pages in the Blogger’s area. Google is one of the few sites that outsource this for you through their applet on BlogSpot. Hence it is easy to see that this is effective and only then such big companies are investing in it.
Over the years…
Everything is bound to mutate according to the needs of the people and due to the competition. Whether it is bigger competition of the discontent that the people feel towards the way you do your job you need to change the way you do it. In case of social media marketing it has been the same.
— Before —
There was a time when the ad banners and posting of links to sites were seen in only the lowly sites or sites that were personally owned. There were smaller companies that were doing this and payments were more personal. This was before the big guns understood the potential of the social media marketing that we see today.
— Now —
Nowadays it is common even for sites like Facebook to have a whole separate column to the side dedicated to advertisements only other than whole pages and regular updates for the marketing of products. There not just big companies but the smaller companies and you can post ads to your business along with all necessary links. This is a paid service and its mere existence says it all about the effectiveness of the process.