Mobile Friendly Web Solution
Google’s “MICE” Update
You see, back on February 26, 2015, Google quietly released the following (very important) blog post: Google’s Blog Post In its post, one of Google’s primary points stated that: “Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.
This change will affect mobile search in all languages worldwide and will have a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT in our search results.
Consequently, users will find it easier to get relevant, high-quality search results that are optimized for their devices.” Translation: If your website was not “mobile-friendly” (as solely defined and determined by Google) as of April 21st of this year, your site’s current rankings are at risk, which can lead to reduced visitor traffic, fewer telephone calls and email opt-ins, as well as reduced sales and profits.
Perhaps you’ve noticed one, more or all of these risks with your website, but haven’t been able to put a finger on it as to why. There is a strong chance that one or more of those risks are now your reality if your website is not mobile-friendly. So, as I’m sure we can both agree, this is not only a big update; it is a BIG deal. In fact, Google is predicting it will be bigger than two of its biggest prior updates combined, as stated in this recent article.
It’s a common standard to develop websites that are easily viewed and navigated across all devices, and to most of the world, the terms mobile-friendly and responsive mean the same thing.
To put it simply, a mobile-friendly site is a bare minimum in terms of a mobile website. A mobile-friendly site is essentially a copy of your website, specifically designed to look and function the exact same way regardless of the device people use to browse your site. Nothing changes other than the scale of the site, and usability isn’t factored into the design. How a website looks and functions on a desktop will be the same on a mobile device, only that it’s smaller.
A responsive website does exactly what the named implies — the website is developed to respond to the screen size of the device its being accessed by. Usability is absolutely taken into account and that’s why a responsive website is going to look, and function, differently on a desktop, tablet, and cell phone. If accessed from a desktop, the full website is going to display. Whereas if it’s accessed on a tablet or cell phone, the layout and navigation will display differently. Some things may even be entirely omitted.
Google now takes mobility into account as a ranking factor. This means when someone searches google from a mobile device, websites that are optimized for mobile viewing will rank higher than websites that aren’t. And in today’s world, that probably means that a standard website will rank was so low it doesn’t really count as a rank. That website will be buried in the deep, dark depths of the search results. So that’s what we mean when we say a mobile-friendly site is a bare minimum for mobile design strategy. At the very least, you need a mobile-friendly site.
Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly?
Fortunately, it is fast and easy to find out if your website is mobile friendly in Google’s eyes: Simply test it on Google’s “Mobile-Friendly Web ” Test software, which generally takes 1 minute or less to conduct your test and get your results. Check today and take action.
If your site passed the test, congratulations! That means it is currently mobile-friendly according to Google and nothing further needs to be done to it (at this time) to comply with the Mice update.
However, to make sure your website remains in compliance and mobile-friendly, I recommend you test your website at least once a month.
That way, you are always on top of it and, if necessary, can make adjustments to your website if a later test indicates it is no longer mobile-friendly.
Did Your Site Fail The Mobile-Friendly Test? If your site did not pass the test, what does that mean?
It means that your website is not, in Google’s sole discretion, mobile friendly.
Accordingly, it is entirely possible you may start seeing or seen and continue to see negative consequences to your online metrics as stated earlier in this Guide.
These negative consequences, from lost rankings and reduced website traffic to less revenue and bottom-line profits, could have started occurring as early as the April 21, 2015, and/or anytime thereafter.
Such consequences may be avoided and/or promptly eliminated with the proper solution.
We Have Mobile-Friendly Solution For You
If your site is currently not mobile-friendly, there’s no need to fear or worry as we have a mobile-friendly solution for you that not only passes Google’s mobile-friendly test, it instantly and immediately eliminates your risk.
If this sounds of interest to you, we would be more than happy to discuss this further with you at a mutually convenient time and promptly remedy this situation for you and your business.
Call us today for a free consultation session 8199 7922