Is it true if we say "Email Marketing Is More Effective Than Social Media" – it may be true for some businesses, not all. Although social media is ideal for promotion and building awareness, it does not always work well to get customers to act. For many digital businesses like ours, email remains Continue Reading
Social Media Marketing Evolution
With the world constricting around you through the likes of the internet and the telecommunication industry people are having far greater touch on a daily basis with the marketing fraternity of different online products and offline ones at the same time through the social media marketing that we see every Continue Reading
Mobile Friendly Website Design
Google’s “MICE” Update This is short, but very important Guide designed to inform website owners like you of a critical Google update, formally called the “Mice” update, however often referred to “Mobilegeddon”, that took place on April 21, 2015. While this update, with a meek-sounding name, took place several months Continue Reading
Web Design Tips And Inspiration
There are many avenues from where you can get web design tips and inspiration. Any artistic pursuit is a combination of inspiration and action. Even if you feel that you have created an original design, somewhere down the line there could be an inspiration that could have influenced your design. Continue Reading
Graphic Design Careers
The possible careers for a graphic designer are very broad. In today’s world full of splashy visual elements and subliminal elements, graphic design is a growing industry, and good graphic designers are highly sought after. Technically, anyone with graphic design skills can become a graphic designer, regardless of their education. They Continue Reading
Social Media Marketing – A new Avenue for renown
The world is getting smaller day by day when seen from the perspective of an urban human being with the advent of telecommunication and even more importantly, the internet. These two have brought people closer when it comes to communication but even more importantly they have sequentially made marketing for Continue Reading
Photoshop Course Singapore
From as early as the application form stage, employers are on the lookout for a number of main skills, which can be organized into two types: ‘hard skills’ and ‘soft skills’. You will have probably heard of these two definitions before what do they actually mean? Hard skills are those Continue Reading
Desktop publishing vs Graphic design
The truth is that graphic design and desktop publishing are very similar in their nature and that a lot of people will use them interchangeably, when in fact, they do have their differences. It isn’t generally considered a big deal; however, it is crucial that individuals understand their true meanings Continue Reading